Alexandra Paperno

viewing room



“Self-Love Among the Ruins”, 2018

“Pictorial Space”, 2015–2018
Acrylic and rice paper on canvas
195 x 245 cm

Price upon request

“Pictorial Space”, 2015–2018
Acrylic and rice paper on canvas
200 x 160 cm

Price upon request


“Still-life” (from the “Drawing Lesson” series), 2015
33 x 41 cm
Edition: 5

€ 2 500 (each)

“Abolished Constellations” (series of 51 drawings). Exhibition view: Alexandra Paperno’s exhibition “Self-Love Among the Ruins” at the Schusev State Museum of Architecture, Moscow (Kandinsky Prize Project of the Year Nomination 2020).©Photo by Anast…

“Abolished Constellations” (series of 51 drawings). Exhibition view: Alexandra Paperno’s exhibition “Self-Love Among the Ruins” at the Schusev State Museum of Architecture, Moscow (Kandinsky Prize Project of the Year Nomination 2020).

©Photo by Anastasia Soboleva

“Abolished Constellations (series of 51 drawings)”, 2015-2018
Ink and graphite powder on paper
76 x 56 cm (each)

€ 4 000 (each)


View the exhibition video

Alexandra Paperno’s “Self Love Among The Ruins” solo show

“Untitled” (from Drawing Lesson series), 2018
Video 6 min.
Edition 5

€ 4 000



“Dots 10”, 2004
Acrylic on canvas
150 x 120 cm

Price upon request

“Dots 4”, 2002
Acrylic and rice paper on canvas
150 x 120 cm

Price upon request


Lithographic prints

“Rooms”, 2017
Series of lithographic prints
Various sizes: 45 x 60 cm, 58 x 70 cm, 83 x 58 cm
Various editions: 22–32

45 x 60 cm
€500 (each)

58 x 70 cm, 83 x 58 cm
€600 (each)


To visualize the works please visit the Wall App website.


To inquire, please contact us