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ALEXANDRA PAPERNO was born in Moscow in 1978. In 2000 graduated from The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art (New York) where she studied under Dore Ashton, Robert Breer and Hans Haacke. The first solo exhibition took place at the National Centre for Contemporary Art, Moscow in 2004. Since then she has held numerous solo exhibitions at both Russian and international museums (the Moscow Museum of Modern Art; the Schusev State Museum of Architecture; Museo Lapidarium, Novigrad, etc.) and galleries (Stella Art Foundation; GMG; Paperworks, Moscow, etc.). Paperno’s works have also been displayed at the Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art (curated by Catherine de Zegher, 2014), the Prague Biennale (curated by Helena Kontova and Giancarlo Politi). One of her latest project “On Sleeping Arrangements in the Sixth Five-Year Plan” has been presented at “The Way of Enthusiasts” exhibition at Casa dei Tre Oci in Venice. Lives and works in Moscow.

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